Day 2: Key XVIII - The Moon

Day 2 of Desert Divination: The Moon & Dependable vs. Consistent.

When I woke up this morning, I cleared and created sacred space, shuffled the deck, took a deep breath and pulled our card for the day. Today gave us The Moon, Key XVIII. As I went about my very dusty day, putt-putting around in my very scrappy golf cart, I got to considering the differences between dependability and consistency.

The moon is always there, but we can’t always see it. It is dependable in the way that we can count on it’s cycles and we know she’s ever present, but is she consistent? If you take the cycle as a whole, then yes, Luna is as consistent as they come, but if you observe the moon on a day to day basis, absolutely not. There is no consistency at all. Every day is a new experience with the moon, and a new communion. And therein lies her mystery and beauty; The consistency of inconsistency.

I take comfort in the idea of walking a dependable path. I do not take comfort in the idea of walking a consistent path. That sounds like a version of cruel and unusual punishment. Where dependability sounds like support and care, consistent sounds like repetition and redundancy. These words are so often used interchangeably, but there is a real and valuable difference between them. I crave the momentum created by the duality and unification provided by the ever fluctuating energies of force and form. And while that is something I can depend on, I can’t call it consistent.

And finally, the thing that always gives me pause about the moon, is the fact that it isn’t a projective energetic force itself. It’s a mirror. It doesn’t operate like the relentless, fiery sun, it reflects the light of the things around it, and only by such happenstance can it be seen. Yet, the moon has the power to alter the tides of the sea. Have you ever sat in witness to the unmeasurable power of the ocean? It’s breathtaking. And still, this reflective rock in space, can tame it or agitate it. The moon, in all of its unassuming mastery, can play conductor to the ocean’s unfathomable depths and powerful jet streams.

The moon card has a lot to say.
(… I didn’t even make it to the relationship with Pisces.)

See you tomorrow my dears.


Day 3: Six of Cups


Day 1: Four of Pentacles.