A constant State Vol. 2

I’m back. Hiya.

In a meditation practice earlier this morning I came across a Libran energy that had quite a bit to say about quite a bit. I won’t go too into the weeds here and I’ll leave out the parts that aren’t quite relevant to the narrative but there was fresh guidance, much needed guidance. I was directed, in no uncertain terms to, “Acknowledge something beautiful, every day, and document it. You whinge a lot about grounding light, but what are you doing to make that an intentional part of your every day?” Obviously this entity also knows that I am a big fan of the book, “Atomic Habits,” by James Clear. I have reshaped all kinds of facets of my life by adhering to atomic level, small, baby changes, compounding into life altering revolutionary changes that initially I found insurmountable. The changes didn’t happen overnight or with a bang, but with diligence (♄) and flow (♀).

The world is filled with animosity, hate, pain, and violence. As good as I might be at consuming that cocktail and spitting it back out like I get paid for it, I do not wish to attend that party any longer. I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you don’t either. So I’m committing myself to intentionally acknowledging something beautiful every day and documenting it until (at least) the end of 2023. Should you care to join me I would warmly encourage that. If you care to tag me in it, I encourage it even more. I considered making a hashtag for this, but that’s not what it’s about. It’s more granular and genuine than that. I might not be able to post it here everyday, and I certainly won’t be able to email it every day, but it will be done. The most likely place where this will be easily carried out is on my instagram account @jennstravaganza. If I feel inspired, I’ll add words and contemplations, but I will force nothing. I can’t wait to explore the subjectivity of Beauty.

It is far too easy for me to get wrapped up in the happenings of other people’s lives and that isn’t actually doing anything. If I can capture (ground) something beautiful (light) each day, little by little, that adds up. Imagine if we all did it? I am not so delusional to think that my small offering of acknowledging something beautiful everyday is going to change the world or ease the pain of people suffering around the globe, but attention matters, intention matters, energy matters, and it means something to me to be able to do at least a little something about it.

-She Said With Love
Improbus Authentica

The Butterfly I saw on my walk today

Today on my walk with my dog, I passed by what looked like a pedestrian heap of mulch. Sticking out of some of the chunks of bark I could see the underside of a wing from this very butterfly. When I was younger, I scoffed at the girls who loved butterflies, especially in tattoo form on their ankle. It was certainly a defense mechanism, one of which I am actively dismantling in this space and time. I no longer scoff at the butterfly-lover. I join in. I am heartened by their earnestness. This past summer, the summer of 2023, I started to notice a hearty influx of butterflies around me on my walks with my favorite thing on Earth (my dog). It had me thinking, “Have butterflies always been around me and I just never noticed because it was easier to be jaded and self-obsessed, or am I actually attracting more butterflies?” Could it be a million other things? Yes. Does that matter? No. The fact that this is where my mind went immediately, is what matters. My intuition matters and so does yours. A human, being open to all kinds of possibilities that present themselves simply upon seeing a butterfly in a world that wants to hustle each other into oblivion, matters.

I could tell that the upside down, partially buried butterfly was still very much intact. The unceremonious nature of how it was lying there, so haphazardly, and carelessly wouldn’t do. I bent down and gently picked it out of the heap of mulch, sent it some blessings, and tried to honor it before continuing my walk.

The beauty that surrounds us daily is overwhelming if you allow it in.

I accept.




Remnants of a New Moon