Being Okay

Society would do itself a service to be okay with being okay
most things are okay
but we find a way to make them less than
to belittle
to humble
to mock
to find adversity rather than serenity
okay is calm
okay is peace
okay is steady
okay isn’t great
but it also isn’t bad
this constant strife
the keeping up
the excelling
the competitive nature 
over every. thing.
is killing us all 
are you happy?
how’s your Tessie?
is that what joy looks like?
does happiness smell like the 
business class suite on Emirates?
does ecstasy taste like Caviar?
none of these things provide the answers to what ails our souls.
Our souls have fractured
they’ve ruptured
we’ve lost us
and in the ongoing epic journey of getting back to ourselves
we consume more and more things
things that only serve the purpose of
expanding the chasm between us
i can’t tell you how to live
i don’t care to butt my nose into your business
even if that courtesy isn’t reciprocated
i allow you your indulgences
i just don’t engage with it anymore
take your look
enjoy the view
drink it in and remember
you can be this okay too
you can enjoy life for what it actually is
and not what it can offer you
you. are. it.
not your stuff
not your smile
not your image
not your clicks
not your hair
not your friend group
not your job
not your car
not your house
what are you?
what do you stand for?
do you even like it?
what turns you on?
what makes you squeal?
what makes you cringe?
You are what the world needs. 
Inside of you there’s an authentic piece of Spirit, of Universe, of Divine Spark,
that only you carry, and the world needs it.
Stop hiding it, stop dimming it.
Befriend it, embrace it, share it with the rest of us and watch the blessings roll in.
I am not here to judge you, but I pray you find peace with you.
That’s all I want.
A world of people who are at peace with themselves, sharing lives with each other.

-She Said With Love.




Aries Full Moon